Labor-Themed Poetry Anthology

We seek poetry that captures the essence, struggles, and triumphs of  labor in its many forms. This includes work that explores the lives of workers, the dignity of work, and the human stories behind the labor we often take for granted. We encourage submissions that engage with themes such as: 

  • The physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual aspects of labor.
  • Personal narratives from workers across industries, including blue collar, white-collar, care work, domestic labor, and creative  professions. 
  • The intersection of labor with identity, community, and culture.
  • The impact of labor movements, unions, and collective action.
  • Historical or contemporary reflections on work and its evolving  nature. 
  • Experiences of exploitation, resilience, and resistance in the  workplace. 
  • The balance (or imbalance) between labor, leisure, and rest. 

We welcome poetry in a variety of styles, voices, and perspectives, from  traditional forms to experimental works. We’re particularly interested in  pieces that convey vivid imagery, provoke thought, and connect deeply  with the reader. 

This anthology aims to honor the voices of workers and illuminate the  profound role labor plays in shaping individuals, families, and societies. 

Whether your poem offers celebration, critique, or introspection, we  invite you to share your vision of labor’s place in the human experience. 

Submission Details

  • Submissions open January 1, 2025 
  • Include a 200-word personal bio. 
  • Submit up to three poems. 
  • Length: Poems should not exceed 60 lines. 
  • Format: Submit poems in a single PDF or Word document. Each  poem should be on a new page. 
  • Use Arial, 12 point font for title and body. 
  • No bold, underlining, or all caps for titles.  
  • All these effects: bold, italics, font changes, etc. are permitted in  the poem body. The way you submit the poem is the way it will  appear on the page.  
  • A poem in any language submitted with its English translation counts as one poem.  
  • The finished product will be 6×9 inches, so poems sent in 8×11  format most likely will have line break changes. If you can set your  word processing to a 6×9 inch page, you’ll see what changes you  might need to make to line lengths and line spacing.
  • The poems will be read blind by a selection committee that represents Tuleburg Press and the community at large. Do not put your name on any of the poems. 
  • Poets selected to appear in the anthology will receive two (2) free  copies. 
  • There is no charge to submit poems. 
  • Deadline: March 31, 2025. 

We look forward to reading your work.

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